Allied Financial Holiday Party 2016

The Allied Financial family enjoyed celebrating their annual holiday party at McKendrick's Steakhouse. A great time was had by all and everyone enjoyed great food and lots of laughs throughout the night! [caption id="attachment_543" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Scott Lewis, Robyn Gold,... Continue Reading

Asset-Based Lending vs. Factoring

Although the terms “asset-based lending” and “factoring” are often used interchangeably when discussing accounts receivable financing, there are important differences that business owners should be aware of when evaluating alternative financing solutions. 1. Asset-Based Lending Allows You to Maintain Ownership... Continue Reading

Cross Age Accounts Receivable

When you invoice a company for products or services rendered, your customer’s payments become your business’s working capital. Unpaid invoices and late payments reduce your working capital and the available funds for operating expenses, payroll, and growth. This is when... Continue Reading