Allied Financial provides line of credit loans for businesses even when the companies have been declined by the bank. We don’t require perfect credit and understand that your company has possibly had a few financial missteps in the past or is experiencing high growth—and that’s OK. We are here to help you recover, grow, and prosper in the future.
We are entrepreneurs financing entrepreneurs so we know that businesses are about more than spreadsheets and financial reports. They take passion, perseverance, and downright hard work—regardless of the business or industry.
Naturally, due to the type of financing we offer, some companies are a better fit than others. In general, we’re looking for the following criteria with our borrowers:
It Needs to be a Business-to-Business Company
We provide working capital lines of credit to companies that do business with other companies. If your company sells to other businesses and offers payment terms, it could be a candidate for an accounts receivable, working capital line of credit from Allied Financial Corporation.
Its Management Should be Capable
We love helping businesses overcome financial challenges and become successful. One of the most important pieces of our credit decision is believing in the management of the company. We need to feel confident that the management of the company has the ability and expertise to execute on their business strategy. Without the right management, a working capital line of credit can only do so much in making the company a success.
It Should be Based on a Good Product or Idea
Every business needs to be good at something to succeed. We’re good at lending money, and that’s why we do it! If you have a business that provides a good product, service or idea and is poised to do well in the market and industry that you are in, we would love to hear from you.
It Has to Have Accounts Receivables
We lend against business-to-business receivables, therefore your business needs to have at least some invoices in order for us to use them as the borrowing base for a working capital loan.
In addition, we do love start-ups. If you are just starting to get your company off the ground and do not have any customers yet, we can still proactively set up your line of credit. As soon as you begin generating invoices, we will be able to leverage your accounts receivable and begin providing the necessary funding.
Learn More About Borrowing Base Loans
It Needs to Have a Good Reputation in the Industry
We feel that we have an outstanding reputation in our industry, and we expect the same from our borrowers.
Think it’s a Good Fit? Apply Today!
If you believe your business is good fit for a working capital line of credit from Allied Financial Corporation, learn more about our easy 4-step application process and get a no-obligation consultation.