As the end of summer approaches, we would like to wish you and your family a very happy, safe, and memorable Labor Day Weekend! Let us help you ADD DEPOSITS while WE TAKE THE CREDIT RISK We finance SERVICE COMPANIES, MANUFACTURERS, DISTRIBUTORS, AND CONTRACTORS.... Continue Reading
This IT Company specializing in cloud based systems was experiencing stormy weather due to higher sales and no clear path to a larger credit facility. Having referred numerous clients to Allied, the company’s long-term banker was confident that Allied could reboot the company’s cash flow issues. At our initial meeting, we... Continue Reading
Having been kicked to the curb by its long-standing banking relationship, this plastic recycling company turned to its trusted CPA for guidance. Throughout the years, this CPA firm has enjoyed many success stories with Allied, so the CPA knew that... Continue Reading
This business software company specializing in lead generation had taken a wrong turn with its existing bank and was asked to exit the bank. In its search for a new lender, the owners traveled down several promising paths with prospective asset-based lenders – all of whom were promising a green-light approval. Eventually, the search led the owners... Continue Reading
This February, Allied Financial hit a few home runs by providing significant line increases to 3 of our best borrowers: a distributor, a contractor, and a service company. Each company found itself loaded with additional business and in danger of striking out by hitting the upper limit of the established... Continue Reading
Having just purchased a state of the art facility with proceeds from an SBA loan, this custom commercial millwork company was on a stable foundation with its banker. However, the company’s request to more than double the existing line of credit proved to be... Continue Reading
We hope that 2017 was a great year for you, and we wish you an even better 2018! Allied Financial takes great pride to have had the privilege and pleasure to provide working capital to many fine entrepreneurial companies over... Continue Reading
To all of our friends, partners, colleagues and associates: At this time of year, we reflect on all of the things that we have in our lives to be thankful for. Thank you for your continued confidence and trust that... Continue Reading
Have you ever been spooked by a credit request or scared of an existing deal in your portfolio? Don’t be haunted by scary deals. Instead, turn to the friendly faces at Allied Financial. Offering lines of credit from $25,000 to... Continue Reading
This entrepreneurial husband and wife team knew that they possessed the skill set to put the right spin on a newly acquired truck brokering business. However, as growth began to speed up, the company began to drive through its working... Continue Reading